I Am Northern Ireland
The Ancesteral Home Of the Scots Irish

This information is a small part of the Ulster Scots history that can be found on the website above
Ulster-Scots LinksThe following list contains links to other websites for those interested in finding out more about Ulster-Scots history, heritage and culture, tracing their Ulster-Scots roots or to members of the Ulster-Scots community and general public. The Ulster-Scots Agency is not responsible for the content of external websites.Ulster-Scots Agency Websites
John Ernst Steinbeck Jr was an American Author. he won the 1962 Nobel Prize in Literature-for his realistic and imaginative writings.
He was born on February 27 1902 and died on 27 february 1968.

•1718 Migration - http://www.1718migration.org.uk This websites tells the story of how those was a mass emigration of Ulster Presbyterians for the New World of America, along with some genealogical research tips both for here and USA
• Bruce Rathlin 1307 - http://www.brucerathlin1307.com The story of an Ulster island, a King in exile, a determined spider and the greatest military triumph in Scotland’s history.
• Hamilton & Montgomery - http://www.HamiltonMontgomery1606.com This site tells the story of how 10,000 Scots were peacefully settled in Counties Down and Antrim 400 years ago.
• The Plantation of Ulster - http://www.plantationofulster.org This website provides further information on the Plantation of Ulster, which began 400 years ago. Many thousands of people from Scotland and England moved across the Irish Sea to live in Ulster during the reign of King James the First.
• Ulster Virginia - http://www.ulstervirginia.com/Ulster and Virginia have long-standing cultural and historical connections. In the early 1600s, the Hamilton & Montomery Settlement of east Ulster, the Jamestown Virginia Settlement and the Plantation of west Ulster were all closely intertwined.
Nelly Blythe
Elizabeth Cochran Seman was better known as Nellie Bly the American journalist, inventoried. She is listed in The Women's National hall of fame. Nellie worked undercover to report on mental institutions from within. She was a pioneer in her field and launched a new kind of investigative journalism. Nellie was born on the 5th of may 1864 and died on January 27 1922.

Sponsored Departments / Government Agencies
• The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht - http://www.ahg.gov.ie/en/ The Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht (DAHG) is one of the Ulster-Scots Agency's sponsoring departments. It is one of the newest Departments of State and was established by Government in June 2002. The Department is responsible for community and local development, coordination of the National Drugs Strategy and rural development. It also retains the responsibilities for the Irish language, the Gaeltacht and the development of Ireland's inhabited off-shore islands.
• The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Northern Ireland -http://www.dcalni.gov.uk The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) is one of the Ulster-Scots Agency's sponsoring departments. DCAL is one of 11 Northern Ireland Departments created in 1999 by the Department’s (Northern Ireland) Order 1999. In Northern Ireland it is the Government Department responsible for arts and creativity, museums, libraries, sport, inland waterways and inland fisheries, linguistic diversity, public records, and for advising on National Lottery distribution.
• DCAL Public Consultation on Ulster Scots Language, Heritage and Culture -http://www.dcalni.gov.uk/index/language-cultural-diversity-r08/consultation_on_the_strategy_for_ulster_scots_language__heritage_“Have YOUR Say” Do you want the opportunity to shape the content of a strategy for Ulster Scots language, heritage and culture? The Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure (DCAL) is carrying out a public consultation until 27 November 2012. Details can be obtained from DCAL’s website by clicking or by contacting the Language Strategies Team, Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure, Level 7, Causeway Exchange 1-7 Bedford Street, Belfast BT2 7EG; email: consultations@dcalni.gov.uk or telephone: 028 9051 5057 Your views are important – be part of it!
Foras na Gaeilge - http://www.gaeilge.ie Foras na Gaeilge is the agency responsible for the development of the Irish language. The North/South Language Body (Tha Boord o Leid) comprises two agencies: Ulster-Scots Agency and Foras na Gaeilge. The Language Body can be seen working together at many events throughout the island including Balmoral Show, the National Ploughing Championships and many other venues.
• The Arts Council of Northern Ireland - http://www.artscouncil-ni.org The Arts Council is the lead development agency for the arts in Northern Ireland. It is the main support for artists and arts organisations, offering a broad range of funding opportunities through their Exchequer and National Lottery funds.
• The North South Ministerial Council - http://www.northsouthministerialcouncil.org The North South Ministerial Council (NSMC) was established under the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement (1998), to develop consultation, co-operation and action within the island of Ireland - including through implementation on an all-island and cross-border basis - on matters of mutual interest and within the competence of the Administrations, North and South. The NSMC, therefore, comprises Ministers of the Northern Ireland Executive and the Irish Government, working together to take forward co-operation between both parts of the island to mutual benefit.
• Waterways Ireland -http://www.waterwaysireland.org/index.cfm/section/article/page/CareerOpportunit.The Ulster-Scots Agency continues to support Waterways Ireland's Affirmative Action Plan. Waterways Ireland is currently advertising for a Temporary Seasonal Assistant Boat Person - for further information visit the 'Career Opportunities' page of their website at http://www.waterwaysireland.org.
The Field Marshal Montgomery Pipe Band
The pipe band is a World Champion grade one pipe band from Lisburn
The band is named in the honour of Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery of Alamein.

Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery 1st Viscount Montgomery of Alamein, KG, GCB, DSO, PC, DL.
Born on the 17th of November 1887 he died on the 24th of March 1976. He was nicknamed Monty "and" The Spartan General he was a senior British Army officer who fought in both the first and second World War.

Katherine Wilson Sheppard
Kate Sheppard promoted women suffrage by organising petitions and public meetings by developing contacts with the press and politicians. She was the editor of The White Ribbon the first woman-operated newspaper in New Zealand. Through her persistence in 1893 New Zealand she became the first country to establish universal suffrage. She was born the 10th of March 1848 and died 0n the 13 of July 1934.

• Ballymoney Ancestry - http://www.ballymoneyancestry.com In recent years, Ballymoney Borough Council has measured a considerable increase in inquiries from families researching Northern Ireland Genealogy in the Ballymoney region. In response to this, and with the assistance of the EU Programme for Building Sustainable Prosperity, this website was developed to provide a free, on-line resource for those interested in tracing their roots.
• Northern Ireland Ancestry - http://www.northernirelandancestry.com This website is run by Ian Maxwell, Author of 'How to Trace Your Irish Ancestors', 'Researching Down Ancestors' and 'Researching Down'
• Public Records Office of Northern Ireland - http://www.proni.gov.ukPRONI is the official place of deposit for public records in Northern Ireland. Includes location, visitor information, virtual tour, publications and indexes to records held.
• The Ulster Historical Foundation - http://www.ancestryireland.co.uk The Ulster Historical Foundation is a long-established, highly reputable research and publishing agency. It offers extensive knowledge on the sources available for tracing Irish and Scots-Irish ancestors. Services include online databases of over 2 million records, genealogy and history books, and personal ancestral research.
• Allison-Antrim Museum, Greencastle - http://www.greencastlemuseum.org Located in Greencastle, PA, the museum provides a home for the artifacts, treasures, and history of Greencastle - Antrim.
• Monreagh Ulster-Scots Heritage Centre - http://www.monreaghheritagecentre.ieMonreagh Ulster-Scots Heritage Centre is adjacent to the villages of St. Johnston and Carrigans in County Donegal, and just a few kilometres from the border with Northern Ireland. It is to be found in the fertile, historic district known as the Laggan, an area between the River Foyle and Lough Swilly and south of the Inishowen Peninsula.
James Dilworth
James Dillworth was born in Northern Ireland in 1815. James left for Australia in the 1830s and then moved on to New Zealand. His main interests were in philanthropy and Education and left most of his considerable estate to establish a school, the Dilworth Ulster Institute.

• Northern Ireland Tourist Board - http://www.discovernorthernireland.com Official body responsible for the development, promotion and marketing of Northern Ireland.
• Presbyterian Historical Society of Ireland -http://www.presbyterianhistoryireland.com The Society promotes the knowledge of, and advance public education in, the history of the churches of the Presbyterian order in Ireland.
• The Institute of Ulster-Scots Studies - http://www.arts.ulster.ac.uk/ulsterscots The University of Ulster's Institute of Ulster Scots aims to explore the history, heritage and legacy of the Ulster Scots people.
Andrew John Scott
Scott was born in Rathriland son of an anglican minister. He trained to be an engineer before immigrating to Australia. Scott was also known as Captain Moonlight an Australian bushranger. Born on the 5th of July 1842 and died on the 20th of January 1880.

• Culture Northern Ireland - http://www.culturenorthernireland.org This website is publicly sponsored Northern Irish cultural website. It includes information on music, literature, sport, heritage, dance, theatre, fashion and the visual arts. The website covers over 300 locations throughout Northern Ireland with background information and events information.
Word of the day"Abain / Aboon"[Ab–ain / Ab-oon]Meaning: AboveNews & Events
• 24/01/2015Ulster Orchestra Burns Night Concert 2015The 2015 annual Burns Night celebration will showcase rousing pageantry and...
• 29/11/2014St Andrew’s Day Fun at Carrickfergus CastleExperience life at Carrickfergus Castle in the 1600’s with re-enactments from...
• 14/11/2014Social Evening with Supper and Song in RaphoeRaphoe Pipe Band invites you to a Social Evening with Supper and Song in the...
• 28/10/20142015 Music and Dance Tuition Programme UpdateThe deadline for applications to the Ulster-Scots Agency’s 2015 Music and...
Address: The Corn Exchange, 31 Gordon Street, Belfast, BT1 2LG, Northern Ireland |
Tel: (028) 9023 1113 | Fax: (028) 9023 1898 |
Email: info@ulsterscotsagency.org.ukWhat is Ulster Scots
Timothy Eaton
Timothy Eaton was the founder of Canadians largest retail store chain that was known as Eaton's. The company had a catalogue that was found in the homes of mosts Canadians.

What is Ulster-ScotsThe term Ulster-Scots has, for nearly 400 years, referred to people, not place - the people who migrated from the Lowlands of Scotland to Ulster, and to the Ulster-Scots communities that they established right across the nine counties.
It is important to recognise that migrations between the two coastlines have been ongoing for thousands of years, but it is generally accepted that it was the Hamilton & Montgomery Settlement of May 1606 that saw the floodgates open. Tens of thousands of Lowland Scots poured into Ulster:
…Hamilton & Montgomery... did not wrest a fertile, cultivated and prosperous region from Gaelic proprietors. They came instead to a country devastated by war and famine... they created the bridgehead through which the Scots were to come into Ulster for the rest of the century...
from ATQ Stewart The Narrow Ground, page 38 – 39
This first large wave of permanent migrants were not soldiers or mercenaries (as was the case in the other major Scottish migrations of the era, for example to Poland or Sweden). They were ordinary Scottish families, seeking a new life. They were mainly Presbyterian in faith and outlook, and overwhelmingly Scots-speaking in language. As John Hewitt summarised so well, it was:
…a transplantation of Scots from not very far away to a climate and an economy very like home, and to which the language, folk culture and lore had been carried without dilution…
from Ancestral Voices; the selected prose of John Hewitt, p66
William Charles Wentworth
William Charles Wentworth was an Australian explorer, journalist, politician and author.
He was one of the leading figures of early colonial New South Wales. Wentworth was the son of D.Arcy Wentworth from Portadown who was born in 1762. D'Arcy was a surgeon and the first paying passenger to arrive in the colony of New South Wales.

This was just the beginning - these first Ulster-Scots settlements were built upon over the following centuries, through constant fresh migrations which both increased the size of the Ulster-Scots community and enriched our heritage and traditions. The permanent Lowland Scots imprint on Ulster is crystal clear.
Ulster-Scots heritage and traditions
So Ulster-Scots not only refers to these people, and their descendants, but also to their heritage and cultural traditions. The Lowland Scots brought industry, language, music, sport, religion and a myriad of traditions to Ulster. And many of these have become mainstream, not narrow cultural markers, but broad themes in our society.
None of these things were fossilised, frozen in a 1600s time warp - the traditions have developed, changed and grown over time. In Scotland, what were once only markers of regional Highland identity have over time become markers of national Scottish identity. In the same way, some aspects of Ulster-Scots identity have adopted Highland influences too.
Is “Ulster-Scots” not just about the two places – Ulster and Scotland?
Some people assume that anything that links the two places of Ulster and Scotland should be described as Ulster-Scots. However, this confuses the term and clouds how it has been used over the centuries. Links between the two places might be more clearly described using a different term, such as Ulster/Scottish.
How old is the term “Ulster-Scots”?
Some people think the term Ulster-Scots is a recent invention. This is nonsense – and reveals much about the poor knowledge of our history. The first known written usage of the term Ulster-Scots was in 1640. In the aftermath of Scotland’s National Covenant of 1638, the Presbyterian community in Ulster was seen by the government of the day as a very real threat, and Sir George Radcliffe wrote “…none is so dim-sighted but sees the general inclination of the Ulster Scots to the Covenant…”
The term “Ulster-Scots” in literature
In literature, the term crops up time and again. Here are just five famous examples from the late 1800s – early 1900s:
Rev Henry Henderson (1820 – 1879) of Holywood wrote a column entitled “Ulster Scot’s Letters to his Friends at Home and Abroad” in the Belfast Weekly News under the pseudonym “Ulster Scot”, from 1869 – 1879. When he died, his son William carried on the column as “Ulster Scot junr”!
The book Three Wee Ulster Lassies, published in London in 1883 includes three characters – the Ulster-Kelt, the Ulster-Saxon and the Ulster-Scot.
Edinburgh author John Harrison published a series of articles, and later a book, in 1888 entitled “The Scot in Ulster” where he uses the term Ulster Scot throughout the text.
In 1912 the US Ambassador to Britain, Whitelaw Reid (himself of Co Tyrone descent) delivered a lecture in both Belfast and Edinburgh entitled The Scot in America and the Ulster-Scot, which was later published as a book.
In 1914 JB WoodburnThe pedigree of the term “Ulster-Scot” is undeniable.Shouldn’t it just be “Scots in Ulster”?
At what point did the early settlers cease to be simply Scots in a different land, and become something else? Some would say that by the 1650s when the first generation of Ulster-born Scots were becoming adults there were clear signs of them being different than the mainland Scots their parents had left behind.
For example, when some of the Ulster-based Presbyterian ministers went back to Scotland in the late 1630s, the Scottish ministers were not impressed by some of the religious practices they had developed in Ulster; in 1640 the General Assembly criticised many of these practices as "Irish innovations". So even by 1640, the cultural practices of the Ulster-Scots were becoming slightly different from those of their Scottish kinsfolk. And this process of change and adaptation would continue, right up to the present day.
When you glance across some of the key chapters through history - from King Robert the Bruce’s links with Ulster in the 1300s, to the organic settlements and organized plantations of the early 1600s, the period of Covenants and “Killing Times”, the great popularity of Robert Burns in Ulster, the Scottish Enlightenment of the 1700s and the role played by the Ulster-Scot Frances Hutcheson, and the great industrial partnerships that linked the shipyards of Belfast and Glasgow throughout the 1800s and 1900s – it’s clear that the Ulster-Scots story is of massive significance to both countries, and to people on both sides of the slim stretch of water.
At the narrowest point, only 13 miles of sea separate Ulster and Scotland. In 1606 the sea crossing took just three hours. Scots and Ulster-Scots folk alike have much to gain by strengthening our deep historic ties, and to understanding the Ulster-Scots story. Word of the day"Shane"[Shain]Meaning: SoonNews & Events
• 24/01/2015Ulster Orchestra Burns Night Concert 2015The 2015 annual Burns Night celebration will showcase rousing pageantry and...
• 29/11/2014St Andrew’s Day Fun at Carrickfergus CastleExperience life at Carrickfergus Castle in the 1600’s with re-enactments from...
• 14/11/2014Social Evening with Supper and Song in RaphoeRaphoe Pipe Band invites you to a Social Evening with Supper and Song in the...
• 28/10/20142015 Music and Dance Tuition Programme UpdateThe deadline for applications to the Ulster-Scots Agency’s 2015 Music and...
Address: The Corn Exchange, 31 Gordon Street, Belfast, BT1 2LG, Northern Ireland |
Tel: (028) 9023 1113 | Fax: (028) 9023 1898 |

The beautiful City of Toronto
The Ulster-Scots in Canada
I Would like to thank Brian Mc Connell for all the info below. You can check out Brian's excellent website Ulster - Scots in Canada
The beginning of the colonial period and the end of the twentieth century it is estimated that more than 500,000 people arrived in Canada from Ulster (1). Ulster refers to that old province of Ireland now containing 3 counties of the Republic of Ireland, being Donegal, Cavan, and Monaghan, and 6 counties in Northern Ireland, being Antrim, Armagh, Down, Londonderry, Tyrone, and Fermanagh. The 3 Maritime Provinces of Canada, which include Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, was where many of the Ulster immigrants first came and holds the record for a number of firsts because of this (2).In 1760 the first large group of settlers from Ulster to come to Canada settled the Townships of Onslow and Truro, Nova Scotia and founded the town of Londonderry. Many had come from Londonderry, New Hampshire where they had settled approximately 40 years earlier after departing Londonderry, Ireland (3).The founders of Londonderry, Nova Scotia were so-called Ulster-Scots, persons of northern Irish background whose forebears had previously lived in Scotland. Many had arrived in Ireland during the Plantation period of the seventeenth century although Scots had been coming to the north of Ireland for several hundred years prior to that. Two hundred and twenty-nine families with surnames such as McNutt, Kennedy, Taylor, Blair, McLellan, McCurdy, Morrison, and Wilson settled Londonderry, Onslow, and Truro Townships of Colchester County, Nova Scotia (4).One of the most famous Nova Scotian political families was also included in this group of Ulster Scots who originally came from Londonderry, Ireland. This was the Archibald family and perhaps the most noteworthy descendant was Sir Adams George Archibald who was born in Truro, Nova Scotia in 1814 and was a delegate to the Charlottetown, Quebec and London conferences that created Canada in 1867. Later he was Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Manitoba and then succeeded Joseph Howe as Lieutenant-Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia.Other well known members of the Archibald family included Samuel George William Archibald, who later became chief justice of the Province of Prince Edward Island and Charles Archibald who became President of the Bank of Nova Scotia in 1918. In recent years the family has been represented by Gordon Archibald, retired President of Maritime Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, and his son, George Archibald, Progressive Conservative member for Kings North in the Nova Scotia legislature in the 1840's the first large number of immigrants arrived in Prince Edward Island from County Monaghan departing by the port of Belfast. By 1850 one quarter of the Island's population was Irish and in the capital of Charlottetown, more than 40% were from Ulster (5).Many of the Ulster immigrants to Canada continued to experience close involvement with Ireland. This link was demonstrated during the debate over Home Rule for Ireland early in the twentieth century, which had been largely opposed in Ulster. The beginning of World War I suspended the issue but after the war ended the debate continued in Canada and it was encouraged by the establishment in 1924 of the Self-determination League of Canada and Newfoundland in Toronto an immigrant of Ulster Scot ancestry, Lindsay Crawford was elected President of the League at its first national convention. Crawford toured the Maritimes but received a rough reception. In Sydney, Nova Scotia supporters of the union of Ireland and Great Britain filled the hall he was to speak in and made it difficult for him to deliver his speech. In Fredericton, New Brunswick town officials simply barred him from speaking. The partition of Ireland into Northern Ireland and the Irish Free State (predecessor of the Republic of Ireland) caused the self-determination league to lose its relevance and fold.Lindsay Crawford followed in the tradition of many Ulster Scot immigrants to Canada who became active politically. Robert Baldwin (1804-1858) who led the movement for responsible government in Upper Canada (now Ontario) was the son of Ulster-Scot settlers. James Boyle Uniacke, Nova Scotia's first Premier was the son of Ulster-Scots.The early Ulster immigrants were active in forming cultural associations and in supporting education. One such association which still meets today is the Saint Patrick's Society of Saint John, New Brunswick which was formed in 1819. The earliest of the Maritime Irish groups was the Charitable Irish Society of Halifax founded in 1786.(6)In the field of education, Ulster-Scots immigrants also played a significant part in promoting and funding the establishment of educational facilities. One example was Charles Allison, a prominent merchant of Ulster-Scot descent who had left the Church of England to become a Methodist bought land at his own expense and opened a school in Sackville, New Brunswick in 1843 (7). In 1858 Mount Allison's degrees received official recognition and in 1875 it granted the first degree ever to be received by a woman anywhere in the British Empire.The history and traditions of the Ulster-Scots immigrants to the Maritimes and other parts of Canada are promoted by the Ulster Scottish Society of Canada which was established in Halifax in 1995. This non-profit society which is also non-political and non-religious has members throughout Canada. Further information about the Society can be obtained by contacting its Secretary, Robert Fisher, at 2346 Agricola Street, Halifax, N.S. B3K 4B6 or its President, Brian McConnell, at P.O. Box 1239, Digby, N.S., BOV 1AO, email: bri.ann@ns.sympatico.ca
(1) Based on 1870 Census of Ontario, Records of Ship Landings at Quebec City, Halifax, and Saint Johns
(2) See Peter T. McGuigan's "Peoples of the Maritimes: The Irish", Halifax, Nimbus Publishing Limited, 1997
(3) See J. M. Murphy, "The Londonderry Heirs" and also R. J. Dickson, "Ulster Emigration to Colonial America 1718-1775"
(4) See Thomas Miller, "Historical and Genealogical Record of the First Settlers of Colchester County" and also Israel Longworth, "History of Colchester County and History of Onslow"
(5) See Brendan O'Grady, "The Monaghan Settlers", Abegweit Review 4.1 (1983)
(6) See Robert P. Harvey, "Black Beans, Banners, and Banquets: The Charitable Irish Society of Halifax", Nova Scotia Historical Review, 6.1 (1986)
(7) See John G. Reid, "Mount Allison University: A History to 1963", Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 198

William McMaster Archibald
Born 1833 from CoTrone. Founded the McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario
Mount Allison University
In Sackville New Brunswick. Founded by Charles Allison
Published to mark the 250th anniversary of the UlsterScots arrival in Nova Scotia

The Twelfth Of July
The Twelfth of July is the largest festival held in Northern Ireland attracting over 500,000 people from around the world every year. The Twelfth of July is the Ulster Protestant celebration first held in the eighteen century. It Celebrates the the Glorious revolution of the victory of Protestant King William over Catholic King James at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. The order has lodges in the South of Ireland, Scotland and throughout the Commonwealth and the United States.